The most recent Village Newsletter has been added to the website. It can be found in the Newsletter section under the Government tab.
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Lakeview Blog
Lakeview Blog
The Lakeview Utility Office is now open to the public. Please DO NOT come in if have been diagnosed with Covid, or if you have any symptoms. Thank you.
Due to the rise in Covid-19 cases in the area, the Lakeview Water and Light Office will be closed to the public until further notice. Payments can be made by mail, online, or via the drop box on the building. The Utility Department can be reached at 937-843-2851. Thank you.
The most recent Village Newsletter has been added to the website. It can be found in the Newsletter section under the Government tab.
Council Meetings will no longer be virtual only. Beginning on April 19th, 2021, Council Meetings will again be open to the public.
Masks and social distancing are required. The number of attendees allowed inside at a time will be limited.
Just a reminder that the Easter Egg Drive-Thru is this Saturday, April 3rd 1-2 PM at the Fire House for Village Children. Please stay in your vehicles and drive-thru to receive your baskets.
On Saturday, June 5th, 2021 there will be a Village wide clean-up. Please be sure that all items are on the curb no later the 6am on Friday, June 4th, 2021.
There will be curb side collection for all household refuse including bulk items.
Bulk items that are acceptable include household items like couches, chairs, tables, mattresses, box springs, televisions, stoves, washers, dryers, water heaters, and carpet cut into pieces no larger than 2'x4'. Construction debris and wood cut into pieces no larger than 4' in length will also be accepted.
There will be pickup for air conditioners, refrigerators, and freezers, but theses items have to be certified showing that all freon has been removed. These items will not be picked up unless there is verified proof of refrigerant removal.
Items that will NOT be collected include household hazardous waste, batteries, paint, chemicals, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, antifreeze, bricks, concrete, concrete blocks, ceramic tile, used oil, and tires.
This service is for Village residents only.
If you have any questions pertaining to the clean-up, please contact the Village offices at 937-843-2851.
The 2020 CCR Report (Drinking Water Consumer Confidence Report) for the Village of Lakeview can now be viewed at .
The uncertainty caued by COVID-19 is being felt across all Logan County. Bridge's CAC has an article that may help you. Please see our Public Notice Tab and it is posted in its entirety.
The Village of Lakeview offices still remain closed to the public due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We ask that our utility customers remaining making payments using the drop box and if you have any questions, you may call the office at 937-843-2851 or the Mayor's office at 937-843-9152. Our hours of operation are still limited to 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Thank you for your continued understanding while we work through this together.